Note that in examples 1-6, the file that supplies the data pauses for 1 second so you can see the loading messages.
The state select is pre-populated, and the rest will populate based on preceding values. Each select is configured with a custom loading message, and the default option text is set to "Choose an Option".
The state and county selects are pre-populated and legitimate values are selected. Since the 'County' select already has a selected option, the 'Town' select automatically populates. Individual selects do not have any custom settings. No defaultOptionText override.
The state select is populated, and the HTML structure of the other three are completely empty when the page loads.
Basic, just two selects.
Using the onChange, onLoadingStart & onLoadingEnd callbacks.
Using the DisableIfEmpty option & the onEmptyResult callback.
Retreiving data in HTML format instead of JSON. This option gives you more control of the options, like the ability to add optgroups. View the data file.