----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project: OpenGTS - Open GPS Tracking System URL : http://www.opengts.org File : sampleData/README.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This directory contains the sample GPS tracking data that can be viewed on the demo website: http://track.opengts.org/track/Track After the OpenGTS database has been properly initialized, the sample data can be loaded using the following steps: 1) cd to the OpenGTS installation directory. 2) Create the 'demo' account (without any password): > bin/admin.pl Account -account=demo -nopass -create Or, on Windows: > bin\admin.bat Account -account:demo -nopass -create 3) Create the devices 'demo' and 'demo2': > bin/admin.pl Device -account=demo -device=demo -create > bin/admin.pl Device -account=demo -device=demo2 -create Or, on Windows: > bin\admin.bat Device -account:demo -device:demo -create > bin\admin.bat Device -account:demo -device:demo2 -create 4) Load the data for 'demo' and 'demo2': > bin/dbAdmin.pl -load=EventData -dir=./sampleData Or, on Windows: > bin\dbConfig.bat -load:EventData -dir:./sampleData 5) Make sure that 'demo="true"' is set on the 'Domain' tag in the 'private.xml' file. Rebuild and redeploy the 'track.war' file if any changes were made to 'private.xml'. Alternatively, the following Linux command may be executed to load the sample data bin/loadSampleData.sh Any messages indicating that a column "will be dropped", can be ignored (these indicate optional columns that are not defined in the current EventData table). At this point, if no errors occurred, you should be able to access the demo account and view the 'demo' data through the OpenGTS web interface. Note: 1) The date of all of the installed sample data occurs on March 12, 2010. This date for the "demo" account and "demo"/"demo2" devices is hardcoded in the class "org.opengts.db.tables.Account". This will become the default date range when displaying these points on a map or in a report. 2) If you wish to use the available sample data in an account other than "demo", you can use "sed" to replace the "demo" account name with another name with the following example "sed" script: sed 's/^"demo",/"ACCOUNT",/g' < EventData.txt > EventData_ACCOUNT.txt Replace ACCOUNT with the specific account name you wish to have own the data. You will then need to move aside the existing "EventData.txt" file and rename "EventData_ACCOUNT.txt" to "EventData.txt" in order to use the above "-load" option to load the new sample data. Make sure you first add the owning account and devices as described above, to prevent creating EventData records which are not owned by any account/device. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------