_ _ _ _| || |_| | |_ __ _| |__ __ _ _ __ _| || |_| '_ \ / _` | '_ \ |_ __ _| |_) | (_| | | | | Welcome to the homepage of #ban channel ! |_||_| |_.__/ \__,_|_| |_|
current banned users:
What is this channel? => Join and you will see
When was it created? => 30th of July, 2004
What is the aim of this channel? => Each 2500. banned user (2500. 5000. 7500. etc) get a bnc free for 30 days.
How can you win it? => Try to join #ban more and more times.
How long you are banned? => You are banned for 5 minutes.
I can not join the channel! (invite only, etc...) => We have some technical problems, try later.
If you are the winner => send me a whois (/whois yournick yournick) , server time (/time) , contack info (e-mail address, IRC nick) and the kick message (kick reason).
You should not do => don not flood the channel, do not beat the bots :)